Flokkur: SEIGLA

12.01.2013 03:14

Nýr bátur frá Seiglu til Noregs Elnesfisk M-11-F

                          ELNESFISK  M-11-F © mynd þorgeir Baldursson 2013

                         Bakborðssiðan á Elnefisk © mynd þorgeir 2013

                       Horft Framan á bátinn © mynd þorgeir Baldursson 2013 

                    Heimahöfn bátsins er i Fræna i Noregi © mynd þorgeir Baldursson 2013

                       Báturinn er útbúinn til Netaveiða © mynd þorgeir Baldursson 2013

    Skipstjórinn og eigandi i Brúnni skömmu fyrir brottför i gærkveldi © mynd þorgeir Bald 2013

             Netaspilið © mynd þorgeir Baldursson 2013

               Netarenna blóðgunnarkassar og niðurleggjari © mynd þorgeir Baldursson 2013
I gærkveldi fór nýr bátur frá bátasmiðjunni Seiglu áleiðis til nýrrar heimahafnar i Noregi báturinn fékk nafnið ELNESFISK  M-11-F og verður gerður út frá FRÆNA báturinn er 11 metrar á lengd 
og 4 á breidd nánari upplýsingar um tækjabúnað i bátnum ættu á verða klárar á morgun eða mánudaginn Hérna kemur lýsingin á bátnum ásamt nafni útgerðarinnar og skipstjórans 

Tegund báts: Seigur W1099 Classic
Nafn báts: ELNESFISK
Heimahöfn: FRÆNA
Fast nr: LG 7362
Umd.nr: M-11-F
Skipstjóri: Robert Elnes
Eigandi: Elnesfisk ANS
N-6440 Elnesvågen
Tegund báts: Opinn netabátur m. skjólvegg BB
Lengd: 10,99 Metrar
Breidd: 4,60 metrar
Lest: 31 rúmmetri
Olíutankur: 2600 lítrar
Vatnstankur: 180 lítrar
WC tankur: 88 lítrar
Aðalvél: John Dear 317 KW / 425 HP
Gír: ZF 360 IV
Siglingatæki: Raymarine radar
Raymarine dýptarmælir og plotter
Com-Nav sjálfstýring með hliðarskrúfustýringu
300 mm Sleipnir hliðarskrúfa
Olex plotter
2 talstöðvar
Lúkar: 4 manna svefnaðstaða með snyrtingu og eldhúsi
Stýrishús: Cleeman skipstjórastóll

19.01.2010 16:16

Seiglu Bátur til Noregs

                                              VardQyfisk 2  F-165-V ©Myndir Sanders Seigla

 Bátasmiðjan Seigla Ehf Á Akureyri afhenti þennan bát til Noregs skömmu fyrir jól og hef ég loksins fengið
myndir og lýsingu á Bátnum frá þeim og kemur hún hér að neðan  

S-67 Vardøyfisk II

A new boat is delivered by Seigla Ehf. The boat has been delivered to Øystein Enoksen from Vardø in Norway on the 26th of November 2009. It is the fourth 13 meter boat from Seigla delivered to Norway this year.  

The specifications of the boat are:

Length: 12,95 meter
Width: 4,59 meter
Depth: 1,4 meter
Engine: Yanmar 6AYM-GTE 829 Hp at 1900 rpm
Gear: ZF-500IV with ratio 1,97:1
Shaft & propell: Duncan fixed propeller
Fish hold: 26 m3
Fuel tank: ca 3600 ltr
Water tank: 200 ltr

Standard with all larger Seigur boats:
- HMI (Human machine interface)
- GRP sandwich PVC construction. Made by VARTM (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding)
- Drop keel  (Nor-Fishing innovation prize winner of 2008)
- Integrated windows in the construction

The GRP sandwich PVC construction advantages of VARTM are: It isolated, noise reducing, strong as steel, 3x lighter as steel.  More details about GRP sandwich PVC construction can be found on our website http://www.seigla.is/en/page/vartm_1

The engine will have an Europafilter installed for oil and diesel cleaning, this reduces the number of times to change the oil significant.

Electronic system
A Kohler 6,5 Kw generator is installed for extra power supply together with the ASC system (Automatic start control)  and the Studer HP-Compact 4400-24 4 Kw inverter/charger the power supply is guaranteed. 
About the ASC system:
It has four modes:

1                    Auto select
2                    Manually select 230V from the inverter
3                    Manually select 230V from Generator set
4                    Manually select 230V from Shore connection

With the selector on auto, the system will monitor the consumer batteries and automatically start the 230 V Generator set when needed, then after a few sec. it will connect the Gen-set to the power distribution and the Inverter/charger will charge the batteries. 

On the engine there are 2 hydraulic pumps installed, 1x 147 ltr and 1x 75 ltr, both from Danfoss Sauer, the control block is for 8 users, with a 300 ltr tank with cooling. Everything connected with stainless steel pipes

Shortly the HMI is offering features like:
Quick-menu in the touch screen, programmable according to customers needs.
Control over the complete alarm system
Control over the heating and Wipers with up to 60 sec time delay.
Control of the drop keel
Control of the lights
Control of the navigation lights
Control of the Hydraulics
Control of the pumps

The heating is provided through floor heating in the cabin and wheelhouse. When the main engine is not running, the Eberspächer 10 Kw takes over this job. In addition to this there are 4 airblowers outlets 1 in the wheel house, 1 in the toilett room and 2 in the cabin. When the boat is connected to a land connection, the two 2 Kw heaters are providing the heat in the cabin and in the engine room.

Various equipment
Sleipner SH300 bowthruster
Heavy duty trimflaps
Libra weathertight doors
6 persons Viking life raft 
5x Rule 3000 pump
Fire extinghuisher system from Securitas

Navigation equipment
Delivered by Seigla Ehf and installed by Rafröst.  The boats shows here how spacious it is, all equipment is installed neatly in the dashboard and beside the captain.

3 screens in the dashboard, 1x 17" and 2x 19"
                - 19" for Furuno M-1934 Radar
                - 17" for camera controll
                - 19" for Olex plotter
Furuno SC-50 GPS/Compass in the dashboard

1x Sailor VHF with DSC
Furuno FA-150 AIS-A system
Furuno GPS GP-320
Simrad AP50 autopilot
Simrad QS50 joystick
Simrad RF300 and RI35 rudder indicator
Simrad FU50 Follow-up steering
Matre pilot guard PG-1 with movement sensor

On the deck there is a complete steering control console mounted on the roof with the possibility to take it down.

Beside the navigation equipment there are 2 chairs with suspension unit from Recaro maritime supplied by Brødr. Hukkelberg with controls mounted in the armrest.
There is a U-bench for ca 6 persons with a table with refridgerator.

There is accommodation for 4 people, 2 in the front and 2 under the wheelhouse, 1 bench and a table.
The spacious galley has four electrical cooking plates, so no open fire. A microwave/stove combination and a ventilator above this. A sink with warm and cold water. Further 1 refridgerator.

Fishing equipment
The boat is multi functional and can be used for net, line and crab fishing. The net compartments can easialy be installed and removed. The wall on the back can be adjusted in height. The fish hold is prepared for life fish/crabs, when containers are used the middle wall can be partly removed so it is easy to move the containers.

The stability of the boat is approved for bankfiske 1 and 2.

For more information, please contact us.

Seigla Ehf
Goðanes 12
603 Akureyri, Iceland
Tlf: +354 551 2809

16.04.2008 07:55


                          ©Myndir þorgeir Baldursson 2008
Seigla sjósetti nýverið bát af gerðinni Seigur 1100 T.  Þetta er 3 báturinn sem að fer til Noregs siðan um áramót Hann hefur verið seldur til Noregs. T stendur fyrir breidd bátsins sem er 3,9 metrar og ný gerð af bátum frá Seiglu sem byggðir eru á Seig 1160. Hægt er að afgreiða bátana frá 10-12,7 metra langa þannig að þeir falla í hin ýmsu fiskveiðikerfi hér og landanna í kringum okkur.

Mikil eftirspurn hefur verið eftir bátum frá Seiglu í Noregi og ekki er það síst vegna fellikjalarins sem er staðalbúnaður í öllum stærri fiskibátum frá Seiglu. Báturinn, sem sjósettur var síðastliðinn laugardag, heitir Seien og var hann byggður fyrir útgerð í Noregi í eigu Henry Benum og var hann hér á landi til að taka á móti honum og reynslusigla. Báturinn sem gengur 28 sjómílur er búinn 650 hestafla Volvo penta-vél. Hann er með stærra stýrishúsi en þekkist hér á landi þar sem frændur okkar Norðmenn gera meiri kröfur um aðbúnað vistarvera um borð en minni um pláss á dekki. Heimild MBL  Myndir þorgeir Baldursson

  • 1

Eldra efni

Um mig


Þorgeir Baldursson




Reynihlið 15 D 604 Hörgárbyggð




Fréttaritari Morgunblaðsins til sjávar og sveita og öll Almenn Ljósmyndun sem að tengist Sjávarútvegi


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